Medicinal Value of High Quality Genuine Birds Saliva Nest |
Birds Saliva Nest has
been used as medicine for a long time. Literature witnesses the consumption of “Birds
Saliva Nest” by Chinese populations from almost 1200 years ago.
Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends Birds Saliva Nest as one of the most
important bioproducts with health improving effects such as growth promoting,
anti-aging, immunity boosting, anti-cancer, anti-aging, dissolving phlegm,
immunity-enchancing, alleviating asthma, curing tuberculosis, stomach ulcers
and hematemesis, suppressing cough, improving voice, etc.
The uniqueness of Birds Saliva Nest in TCM is mainly due to its dual nature
as it is being used as medicine on one hand and food on the other hand. There
has been significant amount of research of Birds Saliva Nest as medicine, and
some of the findings are discussed in the following sub-sections.
Anticancer Properties
Cancer stands as the second most deadly disease after cardiovascular
diseases. It has created major public health havoc globally and, therefore, the
agents for its treatment have always been in great demands.
Natural products as anticancer agents have always been appealing to researches
owing to their promising effects within large safety margins. Presently,
several natural product-based anticancer agents are used for treating different
cancers. Rashed and Nazaimoon demonstrated the effects of Birds Saliva Nest on
the proliferation of caco-2 cells by using the MTT assay.
The edibe Birds Saliva Nest samples were collected from the Department of
Wildlife and National Parks, Kuala Lumpur comprising of two commercial brands
and four unprocesed samples. Only 84 and 115% cells were found to proliferate
on treatment with the two commercial Birds Saliva Nest samples. However, 91, 35
and 47% cells proliferations, respectively were reported on treatment with
unprocessed Birds Saliva Nest samples from East Coast, North and South Zones.
These results suggested the anticancer potential of Birds Saliva Nest.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) defines a group of medical and
health care systems, practices and products, which are not considered as part
of conventional medicine. In Singapore, both cancer patients from western and
eastern cultures were exposed to CAM ranging from health supplements to
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), traditional Malay (Jamu) medicine and
traditional Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine. CAM usage is quite popular among
cancer patients. Dietary changes, health supplements, herbal tea and Birds
Saliva Nest were the main threapeutic ingredients of CAM.
There are documented usage of Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
in Singaporean adult cancer patients. An interviewer-administered questionnaire
was completed by 403 adult cancer patients under treatment at the Ambulatory
Treatment Unit of National Cancer Centre Singapore, among all the patients, 46%
testified CAM usage including TCM, Birds Saliva Nest and special diet. 54%
respondents updated their oncologists about CAM usage and interestingly, 66.4%
of the oncologists agreed with CAM usage. The effective working of CAM against
cancer was felt by majority of the patients.
This report indicates the benefits of the the consumption of Birds Saliva
Nest in cancer patients, however, it is very important for health-care
professionals to be updated with Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
research and to actively provide appropriate advise and counselling.
Of course, the studies involving the anticancer evaluation of Birds Saliva
Nest and its extracts have not been carried out over a large range of cancer
cells. Only one preliminary study was found in the literature. One of the
reasons for the lack of research may be that Birds Saliva Nest is a rich food
and, therefore, a growth promoter, and it is unlikely to kill cancer cells.
However, this may not be true as well. Therefore, it is important to screen Birds
Saliva Nest over a range of cancer cell lines before any meaningful conclusion
can be drawn.
Antiviral Properties
Viruses are microscopic infectious agents that replicate only inside living
cells of orther organisms. They infect all life forms including animals,
plants, bacteria and archaea. Viruses exhibit several structural and
biochemical effects on host cells, the cytopathic effects. Most of the viral
infections lead to the lysis of cells, alterations in cell membranes and
ultimately the death of host cells. Cold, influenza, chickenpox, cold sores,
AIDS, avian influenza and SARS, etc. are some of the most common diseases caused
by viral infections.
Influenza is a viral infection caused by influenza virus. Its symptoms
include high fever sore throat, runny nose, muscle pains, headache coughing and
tired feeling Birds Saliva Nest helps to neutralize influenza virus infection
in MDCK cells and also causes the inhibition of hemmaglutination of human
erythrocytes caused by influenza A viruses.
After hydrolyzation with Pancreatin F, Birds Saliva Nest inhibits the
infection caused by human, avian, and porcine influenza viruses in a host range-independent
manner. However, Birds Saliva Nest does not inhibit influenza virus sialidase,
and the active inhibiting ingredient of Birds Saliva Nest is susceptible to
neuraminidase of influenza virus of all strains.
The Collocalia mucoid is an established substrate for influenza virus
sialidase, wherein the inhibition can be destroyed by neuraminidase to some
extend. Owing to the activites of Birds Saliva Nest against influenza viruses,
the presence of a mixture of inhibitory substances in Birds Saliva Nest was
It was demonstrated by further studies that N-acetylneurominic acid, which
is the major ingredient in Birds Saliva Nest might be responsible for this
activity. It was very interesting to note that Birds Saliva Nest showed no side
effects such as hemolysis and cytolysis on erythrocytes and MDCK cells even at
high 4mg/ml. Thus, Birds Saliva Nest with molecules smaller than 25 kDa after
Pancreatin F treatment will be an effective and safe material as anti-virus.
Further studies were carried out in this direction by Yagi and co-workers who
demonstrated the N-glycosylation profile of Birds Saliva Nest. A tri-antennary
N-glycan containing the alpha 2,3-N-acetylneuraminic acid residues was
displayed as a major component. The sialylated high antennary N-glycans were
thought responsible for the inhibition of influenza viral infection.
A thorough look into the literature indicated that there are not so many
studies that could fully demonstrate the antiviral properties of Birds Saliva
Nest, and therefore, further studies are needed against different pathogenic
viruses to fully explore the antiviral properties of Birds Saliva Nest.
Further, it would be more advantageous if some studies are carried out wherein Birds
Saliva Nest are synergistically evaluated for antiviral properties with other
antiviral agents.
Proliferation Effects on Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells
Stem cells represent a class of undifferentiated cells with ability of
self-renewal, and differentiation into more than one types of cells. Generally,
adipose stem cells (ASC’s) occur in almost every type of white adipose tisue. The
pluripotent ASC’s differentiate into most of the mesenchymal cell types
including adipocytes, chondrocytes, osteoblasts and mycocytes. The mesodermal
origin of adipose cells make unlikely their differntiation into neural tissue
of ectodermal origin. However, in vitro exposure to anti-oxidants makes adipose
cells assume a bipolar morphology similar to neuronal cells. Stem cells are
functionally vital for the repair of regeneration of damaged or diseased
tissues. ASCs have been suggested as the best among the mesenchymal stem cells
because of sufficient reverlations of their pluripotency, proliferating power
and low donor morbidity. They are attractive candidates in regenerative
medicine because they can be harvested in large numbers with low donor-site morbidity.
Roh and associates reported the proliferation of hADSCs by treatment with Birds
Saliva Nest. Birds Saliva Nest strongly promoted the proliferation of hADSCs
via the production of IL-6 and VEGF. IL-6 and VEGF production was triggered by
the activation of AP-1 and NF-kB. Interestingly the production of IL-6 and VEGF
was promoted by Birds Saliva Nest. The Production of IL-6 and VEGF was
inhibited by PD98059 (ap44/42 MAPK inhibitor) and PDTC (a NF –kB inhibitor),
but not SP600125 (a JNK inhibitor). Similarly, Birds Saliva Nest-induced
proliferation of hADSC was also reduced by PD98059, SB203580 and PDTC but not
SP600125. This report favoured the fact that Birds Saliva Nest-induced
proliferation of hADSCs primarily occurred through augmented expression of IL-6
and VEGF genes, which was mediated by activation of NF-kB and AP-1 through
p44/42 MAPK and p38 MAPK.
Epidermal Growth Factor like Property
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) causes the proliferation, growth and
differentiation of cells by binding to its receptor EGFR. Human EGF is a 6045
Da protein containing of 53 amino acids residues with three intramolecular
disulfide bonds. EGF is known to bind to epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR) with high affinity on cell surface. This binding interaction stimulates
ligant-induced dimerization, which in turn activates the intrinsic
protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the receptor.
The activation of tyrosine kinase activity results in a signal transduction
cascade causing several biochemical changes within the cell, the rise in
intracellular calsium levels, increased glycolysis and protein synthesis, and
the expression of certain genes including the gene for EGFR. All these cellular
changes ultimately lead to DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. Kong and
associates demonstrate for the first time that some ingredient is present in Birds
Saliva Nest with EGF-like activity. The authors observed that the EGF-like
agent in Birds Saliva Nest stimulated thymidine incorporation in quiescent
culture of 3T3 fibroblasts.
A critical analysis indicates that the EGF-like component of Birds Saliva
Nest may be responsible for its rejuvenating properties. However, studies are
needed to identify the substance, elucidate its structure and explore its
possible potential for other biological effects alone, and in Birds Saliva Nest
as a formulation both in vitro and in vivo.
Bone Strength Enchancement
Bones are hard and strong structures in human body forming the skeleton
system and provide enormous support and protection to important organs of the
body. Besides, bones are the resevoirs of red and white blood cell production,
store minerals in addition to helping in movements and locomotion.
It is a well-known fact that strong bones make a strong body and vice versa.
Matsukawa and co-workers documented that the enhancement in bone strength and
dermal thickness due to supply of Birds Saliva Nest in diet in ovariectomized
They observed that oral administration of Birds Saliva Nest enhanced calcium
concentration and therefore, bone strength in femur of ovariectomized rats was
improved. Additionally, ermal thickness also increased by the administration of
Birds Saliva Nest. However, Birds Saliva Nest had no effect on the serum
estradiol concentration. These results were an indication of the fact that EBNE
was effective in the improvement of bone strength and skin anti-aging in
postmenopausal women.
Osteoarthritis (OA); a degenerative disease degrades joints including
articular cartilage and subchondral bone This disease is characterized by acute
pain and often causes loss of ability and stiffness. Birds Saliva Nest has been
documented to contain some important ingredients reducing the development of
osteoarthritis and helping the regeneration of cartilage.
The effect of Birds Saliva Nest on the catabolic and anabolic biochemical
activities of the human articular chondorcytes (HACs) isolated from the knee
join of OA patients was described by Chua. The study indicated that 0.50-1.00%
of the Birds Saliva Nest hot-water extract addition promoted the proliferation
of HACs. Besides, the reduction in the expression of catabolic genes such as
matrix metalloproteinases (MMP1 & MMP3), Interleukin 1, 6 and 8 (IL-1,
IL-6, IL8), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
in cultured HACs was observed due to Birds Saliva Nest supplementation.
Additionally, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) Production was significantly reduced in
HACs. However, type II collagen, Aggrecan and SOX-9 gene expressions in
addition to sGAG production was increased as revelaed by anabolic activity
assessment. This report revealed the in vitro chondro-protection potential of
EBNE on human articular chondrocytes. Thus, Birds Saliva Nest may be suggested
as a potential agent for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
Eye Care Properties
Eyes are the sensory organs that react to light resulting into the sensation
of sight. Rod and cone cells forming retina allow conscious light perception
and vision. Human eye distinguishes approximately 10 millin colours. Cornea
forms the transparent frontal portion of the eye covering iris, pupil and the
anterior chamber; and consists of three cell layers: epithelium, stroma, and
Each layer carries specific function and ensure the optimal functioning of
cornea in normal mission in addition to acting as protective barrier from
external environment. Corneal stroma, which is filled by keratocytes bound by
extracellular matrix forms about 90% of the corneal volume.
Keratocytes originate from mesenchyma of the corneal stroma and ensure the
synthesis and maintenance of the extracellular matrix (ECM) components. The
cornea is generally damaged by injuries such as abrasions, localized burns or
surface or depth injuries.
For the development of medications for the care of keratocytes; Zainal
Abidin demonstrated the effects of Birds Saliva Nest on rabbit corneal
keratocytes. The Birds Saliva Nest effects were investigated on six New Zealand
White Rabbits using MTT assay in FDS and FD. The highest cell proliferation was
observed when both edia were supplied with 0.05% and 0.1% Birds Saliva Nest,
and cell proliferation was consistently higher in FDS compared to FD. The
corneal keratocytes conserved their phenotypes with Birds Saliva Nest addition,
which was confirmed by phase contrast micrograph and gene expression analysis.
This report revealed the fact that low Birds Saliva Nest concentration
synergistically induced cell proliferation, especially in serum containing
medium. This is a very important breakthrough since both cellular proliferation
and proper functioning maintenance are essential during corneal wound healing.
Neuroprotective Properties
Neurodegeneration involves the progressive loss of the structure and
function of the basic units of nervous system, neurons. Neurodegenerative
diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s occur as eventual
results of neurodegenerative processes.
Globally Parkinson’s disease, an age-related progressive neurodegeneration
was estimated to be prevalent in approximately 9 million people over the age of
50 years by the end of 2030. Parkinson’s disease is characterized by the loss
of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra and consequently leading to dopamin
depletion in the striatum. In addition, abnormal accumulation of a-synuclein
has also been reported in surviving neurons. The dopamine depletion wanes motor
functions and causes the patients to show clinical signs including tremor,
rigidity and slow responsiveness. Yew investigated the effect of Birds Saliva
Nest on SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. It was observed that the crude EBNE
did not cause the death of SH-SY5Y cells up to 75 ,ug/ml concentrations.
Besides, the maximum non-toxic dose (MNTD) of water extract of Birds Saliva
Nest was double to that of crude extract. Moreover, the intensity of
6-hydroxydopamine-induced apoptopic changes in SH-SY5Y cells reduced by Birds
Saliva Nest treatment, which was clear from morphological and nuclear staining
observations. Further, it was interesting to note the improvement in cell
viability with crude Birds Saliva Nest extract in coparison to the water
extract. However, water extract was more potent in improving ROS build up,
early apoptotic membrane phosphatidylserine externalization and the inhibition
of caspase-3 cleavage. It is quite evident from this reearch article that Birds
Saliva Nest induce neuroprotective effects agains 6-6-hydroxydopamine-induced
degeneration of dopaminergic neurons via the inhibition of apoptosis and,
hence, may serve a possible nutraceutical option for the protection against
oxidative stress-relateive neurodegenerative disorders.
Anti-oxidant Properties
There are several anti-oxidant systems within the human body that negotiate
the oxidative stress from regular metabolic processes. Additionally, the
dietary anti-oxidants also fight with the cell-damaging effects of free
radicals. Dietary anti-oxidants may act either independently or in association
with the endogeneous systems, and have always been beneficent to human health.
Their absence in diet causes several diseases due to unrestricted oxidative
stress. Several fruits and vegetables have exhibited protective effects against
some cancers and other diseases. This is the reason that the people regularly
consuming anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables have lesser frequencies of
these of diseases.
Birds Saliva Nest has been shown to to display anti-oxidant properties as it
contains several bioactive compounds such as glucosamine, lactoferrin, sialic
acid, amino acids, fatty acids, triacyglycerol, minerals, vitamins and other
anti-oxidants. The in vitro bioaccessibility and anti-oxidant properties of
water extracts of Birds Saliva Nest are documented by Yida by using ABTS and
oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays. The undigested water extract
of Birds Saliva Nest demonstrated a little anti-oxidant activity (1 and 1%
respectively at 1000 ,ug/mL) in comparison to the digested samples at similar
concentrations (38 and 50%, respectively). Importantly, the Birds Saliva Nest
extract were non-toxic towards HEPG2 cells and showed protective effects from
hydrogen peroxide induced-toxicity towards HEPG2 cells. This study indicated
that the digestion in gut releases the bioactive components of Birds Saliva
Nest from their matrix, which are then absorbsed by passive transport. However,
in vivo studies are needed to determine their further clinical significance.
Miscelleneous Properties
Obviously, Birds Saliva Nest is a nutritious food material and displays a
broad spectrum of biological activities. The presence of health promoting
ingredients in Birds Saliva Nest, and its use in Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM); have made it a subject of great interest. In addition to the biological
activities of Birds Saliva Nest mentioned in the above sub-sections, it has
exhibited several other biologically important properties such as lecin binding
properties, cure to asthma, dry coughs, tuberculosis, stomach ulcer and gastric
There has been a great demand of skin care therapies including creams,
analgesics, anti-acne and moisturizers throughout the world. Birds Saliva Nest
has the reputation for skin texture and complexion improving properties among
the Chinese communities. Its consumption is known to help retain youthfulness
and a clean clear facial complexion.
Birds Saliva Nest also used for skin texture improvements in babies with
frequent skin rash outbreaks. Some companies developed a
skin-whitening/moisturizing eye mask with compositions of sargassum, Birds
Saliva Nest, hydrolyzed pearl, aloe juice, anglica dahurica powder, soybean
protein, euphorbia lathryris, butanediol, tri-thyglycine by weight parts. The
formulation was very useful for moisturizing and nourishing skin around the
eyes. Besides, it was also quite useful for the treatment of dark circles
around eyes, and the repar of the elasticity of skin around eyes.
Li and Peng developed a super elastic moisturizing face mask essence with
compositions of WSK Tremella fuciformis extract, hydrolyzed soy protein,
allantoin, EDTA-disodium, glycerol, betaine, propanediol, carbopol,
triethanolamine, flavour and antiseptic by weights percents, and water as
balance. Tremella fuciformis extracts and hyaluronic acid continuosly ensured
the release of moisturizing factor, and lock moisture and vitamin E. This
mechanism leads to skin nourishment and moisturization, and therefore
increasing skin activity along with the enchancement of skin barrier to obtain
ideal moisture state.
Birds Saliva Nest is very useful to people with poor digestion, recovering
from illness, and children with weak appetite. It is an easily digestible food
and delivers essential nutrients into the body and therefore, brings health to
those who are weak. Good quality Birds Saliva Nest, like the ones supplied by
the Company, consumption is beneficent for the restoration of lung functions
and in people with dry cough and periodic sputum stains, e.g., in heavy
smokers. High quality genuine Birds Saliva Nest is very beneficial to pregnant
women before and after child birth. Pregnant women who consume Birds Saliva
Nest recover faster after delivery of healthy and fair skinned babies, and
experience considerably lesser hair loss. For post-pregnancy health of women,
the supplementary of Birds Saliva Nest or drinks provide more energy, better
sleep, and give the feeling of vitality to the mothers.
Nephiritis is a painful disorder characterized by the inflammation of
kidneys. Glomeruli, tubules and even interstitial tissues surrounding the
glomeruli and tubules are jointly involved in this complication. Nephritis is
basically caused by infections, some toxins and auto-immune disorders. It is a
serious medical condition and represents the eighth highest cause of death in
human beings.
Experts formulated a Chinese medicine to treat nephiritis with Birds Saliva
Nest as one of the ingredients. The formulation was prepared by slicing Panax
quinquefolium, soaking the Birds Saliva Nest with water, adding chicken soup
and smashing rock sugars in it. Finally, all the contents were decocted for 2
hours. The preparation was highly useful in providing therapeutic relief to
nephritic patients.
In conclusion, it can be said that high quality Birds Saliva Nest is a
versatile food with a range of beneficial health effects. Several cosmetical
products using Birds Saliva Nest as one of the ingredients have already hit the
market with great responses. However, its investigations for the treatment of
diseases are still in early stages. Therefore, more research is needed to fully
explore its potential as a product of breakthrough for its medicinal